

   1.Ben-yu Guo, Chao Zhang and Tao Sun, Some developments in spectral methods, Studies in Adv. Math., 51(2012), 561-574.(2012)Some developments in spectral methods.pdf

   2.Chao Zhang and Ben-yu Guo, Domain Decomposition Spectral Method for Mixed Inhomogeneous Boundary Value Problems of High Order Differential Equations on Unbounded Domains, Journal of Scientific Computing, 53(2012), 451-480. (2012)Domain Decomposition Spectral Method for Mixed Inhomogeneous Boundary Value Problems of High Order Differential Equations on Unbounded Domains.pdf

   3.Guo Ben-yu, Sun Tao and Zhang Chao, Jacobi and Laguerre quasi-orthogonal approxiamtions and related interpolations, Mathematics of Computation, 82(2013), 413-441.(2013)Jacobi and Laguerre quasi-orthogonal approximations and related interpolations(2013 Math. Comp).pdf

   4.Ben-yu Guo and Chao Zhang, The spectral method for high order problems with proper simulations of asymptotic behaviors at infinity, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 237(2013),269-294.(2013)The spectral method for high order problems with proper simulations of asymptotic behaviors at infinity.pdf

   5.Chao Zhang and Ben-yu Guo, Generalized Hermite spectral method matching asymptotic behaviors, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 255(2014),616-634.(2014)Generalized Hermite spectral method matching asympotic behaviors.pdf

   6.Ben-yu Guo,Tao Sun and Chao Zhang, Spectral and spectral element methods for high order problems with mixed boundary conditions,Journal of Computational Mathematics,32(2014),392-411.(2014)Spectral and spectral element methods for high order problems with mixed boundary conditions.pdf

   7. Guo Ben-yu and Zhang Chao, Generalized Hermite spectral method matching different algebraic  decay at infinities, Journal of Scientific Computing, 65(2015), 648-671. download.pdf

   8. Chao Zhang, Wenjie Liu and Li-Lian Wang, A new colloaction scheme using non-polynomial basis functions, Journal of Scientific Computing, 70(2017),

   9. Chao Zhang, Dong-qin Gu, Zhong-qing Wang, Hui-yuan Li, Efficient space-Time spectral methods for second-order problems on unbounded domains, Journal of Scientific Computing, 72(2017), 679-699. download.pdf

   10. Chao Zhang, Li-Lian Wang, Dongqin Gu and Wenjie Liu, On approximate inverse of Hermite and Laguerre collocation differentiation matrices and new collocation schemes in unbounded domains, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 344(2018),

   11. Chao Zhang, Zhipeng Liu, Sheng Chen and DongYa Tao,New spectral element method for Volterra integral equationss with weakly singular kernel,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,404(2022),113902.

   12. Dianming Hou, Hui Wang and Chao Zhang, Positivity-preserving and Unconditionally Energy Stable Numerical Schemes for MEMS Model, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 181(2022), 503-517.

   13. Dianming Hou, Yuexin Ning and Chao Zhang, An efficient and robust Lagrange multiplier approach with a penalty term for phase-field models, J. Comput. Phys., 488(2023),Paper No.112236,21pp.