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   4.Chao Zhang, Jizhou Zhang and  Dongya Tao,  Pricing formulas of compound options under the fractional Brownian motion, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 100(2011), 247-254.

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   6.Chao Zhang and Ben-yu Guo, Domain Decomposition Spectral Method for Mixed Inhomogeneous Boundary Value Problems of High Order Differential Equations on Unbounded Domains, Journal of Scientific Computing, 53(2012), 451-480. (2012)Domain Decomposition Spectral Method for Mixed Inhomogeneous Boundary Value Problems of High Order Differential Equations on Unbounded Domains.pdf

   7.Guo Ben-yu, Sun Tao and Zhang Chao, Jacobi and Laguerre quasi-orthogonal approxiamtions and related interpolations, Mathematics of Computation, 82(2013), 413-441.(2013)Jacobi and Laguerre quasi-orthogonal approximations and related interpolations(2013 Math. Comp).pdf

   8.Ben-yu Guo and Chao Zhang, The spectral method for high order problems with proper simulations of asymptotic behaviors at infinity, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 237(2013),269-294.(2013)The spectral method for high order problems with proper simulations of asymptotic behaviors at infinity.pdf

   9.Chao Zhang, Ben-yu Guo and Tao Sun,Laguerre Spectral Method for High Order Problems, Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications, 6(2013), 520-537.(2013))Laguerre Spectral Method for High Order Problems.pdf

   10.Chao Zhang and Ben-yu Guo, Generalized Hermite spectral method matching asymptotic behaviors, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 255(2014),616-634.(2014)Generalized Hermite spectral method matching asympotic behaviors.pdf

   11.Ben-yu Guo,Tao Sun and Chao Zhang, Spectral and spectral element methods for high order problems with mixed boundary conditions,Journal of Computational Mathematics,32(2014),392-411.(2014)Spectral and spectral element methods for high order problems with mixed boundary conditions.pdf

   12. Guo Ben-yu and Zhang Chao, Generalized Hermite spectral method matching different algebraic  decay at infinities, Journal of Scientific Computing, 65(2015), 648-671. download.pdf

   13. Tian-jun Wang, Chao Zhang and Qiong Zhang, Mixed spectral method for heat transfer using generalized Hermite functions and Legendre polynomials, East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics, 6(2016), 448-465.download.pdf

   14. Chao Zhang, Wenjie Liu and Li-Lian Wang, A new colloaction scheme using non-polynomial basis functions, Journal of Scientific Computing, 70(2017), 793-818.download.pdf

   15. Chao Zhang, Dong-qin Gu, Zhong-qing Wang, Hui-yuan Li, Efficient space-Time spectral methods for second-order problems on unbounded domains, Journal of Scientific ComputingDOI:10.1007/s10915-017-0374-2, 2017. download.pdf

   16. Chao Zhang, Hanfeng Yao, Michael D. Samson, New Well-Conditioned Laguerre and  Hermite Collocation Methods on Unbounded Domains,East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2017.