卢勇,1989年出生,江苏泗阳人,中共党员,现任江苏师范大学副教授、硕士研究生导师、美国《数学评论》评论员、中国运筹学会图论组合分会青年理事、江苏省运筹学会理事、江苏师范大学2022年青年英才“苗圃计划”第三层次培养对象. 2018年毕业于西北工业大学,获理学博士学位. 主要研究方向:图论及其应用.

Email:luyong@jsnu.edu.cn. 招收运筹学与控制论学术型研究生,主要研究内容为:代数图论.

一. 工作经历

    2021.08-至今      江苏师范大学  数学与统计学院    副教授

    2018.05-2021.07 江苏师范大学  数学与统计学院    讲师  



三. 获奖和荣誉

    10. 2024年江苏省高校第十届数学基础课青年教师授课竞赛三等奖.


    8. 2022年度江苏师范大学优秀工会积极分子;

    7. 江苏师范大学2022年青年英才“苗圃计划”第三层次培养对象;

    6. 2021年第二届江苏师范大学立德树人优秀研究生导师团队成员;

    5. 2020年校先进工作者;

    4. 2020年度江苏师范大学优秀工会积极分子;

    3. 江苏省普通高等学校第十七届高等数学竞赛优秀指导教师;

    2. 2020年江苏省高校第二届数学微课程教学竞赛三等奖;

    1. 2019年江苏师范大学第十届青年教师教学优胜三等奖;

四. 主持的教学科研项目

     4. 国家自然科学基金-面上项目(2024-2027)

     3. 2024年江苏省高校“高质量公共课教学改革研究”一般课题  

     2. 国家自然科学基金-青年基金(2020-2022)

     1. 江苏省高校自然科学研究面上项目(2019-2021)

五. 指导学生获奖和项目情况




六.发表 SCI 学术论文(*表示通讯作者)

32. Cui,Chunfeng, Lu, Yong, Qi, Liqun*, Wang, Ligong, Spectral properties of dual unit gain graphs. Symmetry. 16 (2024),No. 1142.

31. Du,Kexin, Lu, Yong*, Zhou, Qiannan,The gap between the  rank of a complex unit gain graph and its underlying graph. Discrete Appl. Math. 357 (2024), 399-412.

30. Wang, Yuxuan, Shang,Rentian, Wu, Jingwen, Lu,Yong *,No T -gain graph with the rank r (Φ) = 2m(G) − 2c(G) + 1.ScienceAsia. 50 (4) (2024): ID 2024013: 1-8.

29. Zhou, Qiannan; Broersma,Hajo*; Wang, Ligong; Lu, Yong, A note on minimum degree, bipartite holes, and hamiltonian properties. Discuss. Math. Graph Theory. 44 (2024), 717-726.

28. Wu,Qi; Lu, Yong*; Inertia indices of a complex unit gain graph in terms of matching number.Linear and Multilinear Algebra. 71 (2023), 1504-1520.

27. Zhou, Qiannan; Lu, Yong*, Relation between the row left rank of a quaternion unit gain graph and the rank of its underlying graph. Electron J Linear Algebra. 39 (2023), 181-198.

26. Wu,Qi; Lu,Yong*; Tam,Bit-Shun, On connected signed graphs with rank equal to girth. Linear Algebra Appl. 651 (2022), 90-115.

25. Lu, Yong*,Some generalizations of spectral conditions for 2s-hamiltonicity and 2s-traceability of bipartite graphs. Linear and Multilinear Algebra.70 (2022), 1907-1927.

24. Lu, Yong; Zhou, Qiannan*,On hyper-Zagreb index conditions for hamiltonicity of graphs. Czech. Math. J. 72 (2022), 653-662.

23. Lu, Yong*;Xu, Weiru, A lower bound of the rank of a signed graph in terms of order and maximum degree. ScienceAsia. 47 (2021), 779-784.

22. Zhou, Qiannan; Broersma,Hajo*; Wang, Ligong; Lu, Yong, Sufficient Spectral Radius Conditions for Hamilton Connectivity of k-Connected Graphs.  Graphs Combin. 37 (2021), 2467–2485.

21. Zhou, Qiannan; Broersma,Hajo*; Wang, Ligong; Lu, Yong, On sufficient spectral radius confitions for hamiltonicity.Discrete Appl. Math. 296 (2021), 26–38.

20. Lu, Yong*; Zhou, Qiannan, On sufficient topological indices conditions for properties of graphs. J. Comb.Optim. 41 (2021), no. 2, 487–503.

19. Lu, Yong*; Wu, Jingwen, No signed graph with the nullity η(G,σ)=|V(G)|−2m(G)+2c(G)−1. Linear Algebra Appl. 615 (2021), 175–193. 

18. Lu, Yong*; Wu, Jingwen, Bounds for the rank of a complex unit gain graph in terms of its maximum degree. Linear Algebra Appl. 610 (2021), 73–85. 

17. Zhou, Qiannan; Wang, Ligong*; Lu, Yong, Some sufficient conditions for some graph properties. Ars Combin. 153 (2020), 161–175.

16. Zhou, Qiannan; Broersma,Hajo*; Wang, Ligong; Lu, Yong, On sufficient spectral radius conditions for hamiltonicity of k-connected graphs. Linear Algebra Appl. 604 (2020), 129–145.

15. Zhou, Qiannan; Wang, Ligong*; Lu, Yong, Sufficient conditions for Hamilton-connected graphs in terms of (signless Laplacian)spectral radius. Linear Algebra Appl. 594 (2020), 205–225.

14. Zhou, Qiannan; Wang, Ligong*; Lu, Yong, Signless Laplacian spectral conditions for Hamilton-connected graphs with large minimum degree. Linear Algebra Appl. 592 (2020), 48–64.

13. Zhou, Qiannan; Wang, Ligong*; Lu, Yong, Wiener-type invariants and Hamiltonian properties of graphs. Filomat. 33 (2019), no. 13, 4045–4058. 

12. Lu, Yong; Wang, Ligong*; Zhou, Qiannan, The rank of a complex unit gain graph in terms of the rank of its underlying graph. J. Comb.Optim. 38 (2019), no. 2, 570–588.

11. Lu, Yong; Wang, Ligong*; Zhou, Qiannan, Skew-rank of an oriented graph in terms of the rank and dimension of cycle space of its underlying graph. Filomat. 32 (2018), no. 4, 1303–1312.

10. Zhou, Qiannan; Wang, Ligong*; Lu, Yong, Wiener index and Harary index on Hamilton-connected graphs with large minimum degree. Discrete Appl. Math. 247 (2018), 180–185.

9. Zhou, Qiannan; Wang, Ligong*; Lu, Yong, Wiener-type invariants on graph properties. Filomat. 32(2018), no. 2, 489–502. 

8. Zhou, Qiannan; Wang, Ligong*; Lu, Yong, Some sufficient conditions on k-connected graphs. Appl. Math. Comput. 325 (2018), 332–339.

7. Lu, Yong; Wang, Ligong*; Zhou, Qiannan, The rank of a signed graph in terms of the rank of its underlying graph. Linear Algebra Appl. 538 (2018), 166–186.

6. Lu, Yong; Wang, Ligong*; Xiao, Peng, Complex unit gain bicyclic graphs with rank 2, 3 or 4. Linear Algebra Appl. 523 (2017), 169–186.

5. Xiao, Peng; Wang, Ligong*; Lu, Yong, The maximum spectral radii of uniform supertrees with given degree sequences. Linear Algebra Appl. 523 (2017), 33–45.

4. Lu, Yong; Wang, Ligong*; Zhou, Qiannan, Hermitian-Randić matrix and Hermitian-Randić energy of mixed graphs. J. Inequal.Appl. 2017, No. 54, 14 pp.

3. Lu, Yong; Wang, Ligong*; Zhou, Qiannan, Bicyclic oriented graphs with skew-rank 6. Appl. Math.Comput. 270 (2015), 899–908. 

2. Lei, Ying-Jie; Xu, Wei-Ru*; Lu, Yong; Niu, Yan-Ru; Gu, Xian-Ming, On the symmetric doubly stochastic inverse eigenvalue problem. Linear Algebra Appl. 445 (2014), 181–205.

1. Xu, Wei-Ru*; Lei, Ying-Jie; Gu, Xian-Ming; Lu, Yong; Niu, Yan-Ru, Commenton “A note on the inverse eigenvalue problem for symmetric doubly stochastic matrices”. Linear Algebra Appl. 439 (2013), no. 8, 2256–2262.



八. 所带研究生

2024级 钟嘉旭、贾彩丽

2023级 刘香格

2022级 沈琪