Laiyuan Gao (or Lai-Yuan Gao, in Chinese 高来源)
Research interest: differential geometry and geometric analysis
Office: Room 208 of the 21st Century Building
2011.09 - 2014.06, Tongji University, Ph. D., Majored in Pure Mathematics
2014.07 - 2016.07, Shanghai University, Postdoc
2016.08 - 2020.06, Jiangsu Normal University, Lecturer/Assistant Professor,
2019.10 - 2021.01, UC San Diego, Visiting Scholar
2020.07 - present, Jiangsu Normal University, Associate Professor
Scientific Research
1. Selected Papers
[5] Gao, L. Whitney-Graustein homotopy of locally convex curves via a curvature flow, Math. Res. Lett. 30 (2023), no. 4, 1045–1062. (本文对局部凸曲线的情形解决了 Yau 提出的曲率流公开问题。Paul Bryan's review.pdf)
[4] Gao, L.; Pan, S. Star-shaped centrosymmetric curves under Gage's area-preserving flow. J. Geom. Anal. 33 (2023), no. 11, Article No. 348.(本文尝试解决如下的 folklore conjecture:简单闭星形曲线的 Gage 保面积流全局存在。Vasyl Gorkavyy's review 2.pdf 此问题最新的进展为我们的结果 arXiv:2412.18102)
[3] Gao, L.; Pan, S.; Tsai, D.-Ho On an area-preserving inverse curvature flow of convex closed plane curves, J. Funct. Anal. 280 (2021), no. 8, Paper No. 108931. (本文解决了Kappa^(- alpha)型保面积流的收敛性问题。)
[2] Gao, L.; Zhang, Y. On Yau's problem of evolving one curve to another: convex case. J. Differential Equations, no. 1, 266 (2019), 179–201. (本文对凸曲线的情形解决了 Yau 提出的曲率流公开问题。Vasyl Gorkavyy's review 1.pdf)
[1] Gao, L.; Pan, S. Gage's original normalized CSF can also yield the Grayson theorem. Asian J. Math. 20 (2016), no. 4, 785–794. (本文给出 Gage-Hamilton-Grayson 定理的新证明。)
A list of my papers.txt
A list of my papers-2.txt (up to 2025-01-01)
2. Fundation
2019-2021, NSFC-11801230
2015-2016, CPSF-2015M571537
1. Recent Courses
2025.02 - 2025.06, Geometry of Submanifolds (研一), Mathematical Modeling (本科生)
2024.09 - 2025.01, Geometic Analysis (研二), Theory of Curvature Flows (研二)
2. Seminars on Geometry (每周日有一整天的讨论)
Year 2024, Hamilton's invention of his Ricci flow notes.pdf
Year 2025, Singularity analysis of curvature flows
Social Service
1. AMS Reviewer
2. Referee for many journals...
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