赵 鹏

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     赵鹏江苏师范大学数学与统计学院教授、副院长,全国工业统计教学研究会副秘书长、常务理事,中国现场统计研究会高维数据统计分会常务理事、资源与环境分会常务理事,中国运筹学会可靠性分会常务理事。获得国家自然科学基金-优秀青年科学基金(2014)、江苏省“双创人才”(2015)、“江苏高校优秀科技创新团队: 大数据统计分析”带头人(2015)、“江苏省数学成就奖” (2016)。担任统计学SCI期刊 COMMUN STAT-THEOR M 和 COMMUN STAT-SIMUL C 编委 (Associate Editor)。研究领域为可靠性统计,迄今已在SCI/SSCI期刊上发表学术论文60余篇,其中1篇为 “Discussion Paper”,大部分发表在 European J. Oper. Res., Nav. Res. Log., Insurance Math. Econom, J. Multivariate Anal., IEEE. T. Reliab., Ann. Oper. Res. 等重要国际期刊上。





应用概率与数理统计;网络可靠性; 随机序与统计相依性;有序变量模型;统计学习


副主(Associate Editor),2013-: Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods

副主编(Associate Editor),2013-: Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation


2016年 江苏省数学成就奖


1. 国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金,基金号:11422109,2015年1月-2017年12月

2. 国家自然科学青年基金,基金号:11001112,2011年1月-2013年12月

3. 国家自然科学数学天元基金,基金号:10926092,2010年1月-2010年12月

4. 教育部博士点新教师基金,基金号:20090211120019,2010年1月-2012年12月

5. 教育部“春晖计划”合作研究项目,2010年10月-2011年12月  


[1] Ding, W., Zhao, Peng* and Zhou, S. (2017) On optimal allocation of active redundancies to multi-state r-out-of-n systems. Operations Research Letters, 45(5), 508-512.

[2] Zhao, Peng*, Wang, L. and Zhang, Y. (2017) On Extreme Order Statistics from Heterogeneous Beta Distributions with Applications. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 46(14), 7020-7038. 

[3] Ding, W., Fang, R. and Zhao, Peng*. (2017) Relative Aging of Coherent Systems. Naval Research Logistics, 64(4), 345-354.

[4] Zhang, Y. and Zhao, Peng*. (2017) On the Maxima of Heterogeneous Gamma Variables. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 46(10), 5056-5071. 

[5] Cai, X., Zhang, Y. and Zhao, Peng*. (2017) Hazard Rate Ordering of the Second Order Statistics from Multiple-outlier PHR Samples. Statistics, 51(3), 615-626.

[6] Hu, X., Xu, M.,  Xu, S. and Zhao, Peng*. (2017) Multiple Cyber Attacks Against a Target with Observation Errors and Dependent Outcomes: Characterization and Optimization. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 159, 119-133.

[7] Zhao, Peng*, Zhang, Y. and Chen, J. (2017) Optimal allocation policy of one redundancy in a n-component series system. European Journal of Operational Research, 257(2), 656-668. 

[8] Zhao, Peng*, Zhang, Y. and Qiao, J. (2016) On extreme order statistics from heterogeneous Weibull variables. Statistics, 50,1376-1386.

[9] Amini-Seresht, E., Qiao, J., Zhang, Y. and Zhao, Peng*. (2016) On the Skewness of OrderStatistics in Multiple-outlier PHR Models. Metrika, 79, 817-836.

[10] Zhao, Peng*, Qiao, J. and Balakrishnan, N. (2016) Likelihood ratio order of the secondspacing in multiple-outlier exponential models. Statistics, 50, 206-218.

[11] Zhang, Y. and Zhao, Peng*.(2015) Comparisons on Aggregate risks from Two Sets of Heterogeneous Portfolios. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 64, 124-135.

[12] Zhao, Peng*, Hu, Y. and Zhang, Y. (2015) Some new results on largest order statistics from multiple-outlier gamma models. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 29,597-621.

[13] Zhao, Peng* and Balakrishnan, N. (2015) Comparisons of Largest Order Statistics from Multiple-outlier Gamma Models. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 17, 617-645.

[14] Zhao, Peng*, Zhang, Y. and Li, L. (2015) Redundancy allocation at component level versussystem level. European Journal of Operational Research, 241, 402-411.

[15] Ling X. and Zhao, Peng*. (2014) On General Multivariate Mixture Models. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 43, 4223-4240.

[16] Zhao, Peng*and Li, X. (2014) Ordering properties of convolutions from heterogeneous populations: A review on some recent developments. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 43, 2260-2273.

[17] Zhao, Peng* and Balakrishnan, N. (2014) A Stochastic Inequality for the Largest Order Statistics from Heterogeneous Gamma Samples. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 129,145-150.

[18] Zhao, Peng* and Zhang, Y. (2014) On the maxima of Heterogeneous Gamma Variables with Different Shape and Scale Parameters. Metrika, 77, 811-836.

[19] Zhao, Peng* and Balakrishnan, N. (2014) On the Right Spread Ordering of Parallel Systems with Two Heterogeneous Components. Statistics, 48(2), 447-455.

[20] Zhao, Peng* and Su, F. (2014) On Maximum Order Statistics from Heterogeneous Geometric Sample. Annals of Operations Research, 212, 215-223.

[21] Zhao, Peng*, Chan, P. S., Li, L. and Ng, H. K. T. (2013) Allocation of Two Redundancies in Two-component Series Systems. Naval Research Logistics, 60, 588-598.

[22] Zhao, Peng*, Chan, P. S., Li, L. and Ng, H. K. T. (2013) On Allocation of Redundancies in Two-component Series Systems. Operations Research Letters, 41, 690-693.

[23] Yan, R., Da, G. and Zhao, Peng*. (2013) Further Results for Parallel Systems with Two Heterogeneous Exponential Components. Statistics, 47(5), 1128-1140.

[24] Balakrishnan, N. and Zhao, Peng*. (2013) Ordering properties of order statistics from heterogeneous populations: A review with an emphasis on some recent developments. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 27, 403-443.

[25] Zhao, Peng*a nd Li, X. (2013) On Sample Range from Two Heterogeneous Exponential Variables. Stochastic Orders in Reliability and Risk, 208, 125-139.

[26] Ling, X., Zhao, Peng* and Li, P. (2013) A Note on Stochastic Properties of Scale Change Random Effects Model. Statistics and Probability Letters83, 2407-2414.

[27] Zhang, S., Feng, X. and Zhao, Peng*. (2013) On mixture representation of conditional inactivity time of coherent system. Statistics and Probability Letters, 83, 2297-2307.

[28] Ding, W., Da, G. and Zhao, Peng*. (2013) On sample ranges from two sets of heterogenous random variables. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 116, 63-73.

[29] Ding, W., Zhang, Y. and Zhao, Peng*. (2013) Comparisons of k-out-of-n systems with heterogenous components. Statistics and Probability Letters, 83, 493-502.

[30] Balakrishnan, N. andZhao, Peng. (2013) Hazard Rate Comparison of Parallel Systems with Heterogeneous Gamma Components. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 113, 153-160.