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 2012年07月--2016年11月  华北理工大学 理学院

 2016年12月-- 至今     江苏师范大学 数学与统计学院 


[1] Ding, Weiyong, Zhang, Y., Zhao, P.(2017). Ordering properties of spacings from heterogeneous geometric samples. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences. (Accepted)

[2] Zhang, Y., Ebrahim, A., Ding, Weiyong (2017). Component and system active redundancies for coherent systems with dependent components. Applied Stochastic Models in Busness and Industry. (Accepted)

[3] Li, P., Ling, X., Ding, Weiyong (2017). Stochasticproperties of the mixed accelerated hazards model. Communication in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 46(13), 6433-6435.

[4] Ding, Weiyong, Yang, J., Ling, X. (2017). On Skewness ofextreme order statistics from scale samples. Communication in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 46(5): 2315-2331.

[5] Da, G., Ding, Weiyong (2016). Component level versus system level k-out-of-n assembly systems. IEEE Transaction on Reliability, 65(1): 425-433.

[6] Ding, Weiyong, Da, G., Li, X.(2014). Comparisons of series and parallel systems with heterogeneous components. Probabilityin the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 28(1), 39-53.

[7] Ding, Weiyong, Da, G., Zhao, P. (2013). On sample ranges of two sets ofheterogeneous random variables. Journalof Multivariate analysis, 116, 63-73.

[8] Ding, Weiyong, Zhang, Y., Zhao, P. (2013). Comparisons of k-out-of-n systemswith heterogeneous components. Statisticaland Probability Letters, 83(2), 493-502.

[9] Li, X., Ding, Weiyong (2013). On allocation of active redundancies to systems: A Brief Review. In: Lecture Notes in Statistics (EDs: H. Li and X. Li), 175-188, Springer.

[10] Ding, Weiyong, Li, X.(2012). The optimal allocation of active redundancies tok-out-of-n systems with respect to hazard rate. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 142(7), 1878-1887.

[11] Ding, Weiyong, Li, X., N.Balachrishnan (2011). Monotonicity properties of residual lifetimes of parallel systems and inactivity time of series systems with heterogeneous components. Probability in the Engineering andInformational Sciences, 26, 1–15.

[12] Da, G., Ding, Weiyong, Li, X. (2010). On hazard rate ordering of parallelsystems with two independent components. Journalof Statistical Planning and Inference, 140(7),2148–2154.

[13] Li, X., Ding, Weiyong (2010). Optimal allocation of active redundancies to k out ofn system with heterogeneous components. Journal of Applied Probability, 47(1), 254-263.


1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目


2. 国家自然科学数学天元专项基金


3. 河北省自然科学基金青年项目


