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Curriculum Vitae

Pengfei Liu


Office 1412, Jingyuan Building ,

School of Mathematics and Statistics,

Jiangsu normal University,

Xuzhou, P. R. China






2009-2013 Ph.D. (Statistics), The Chinese university of Hong Kong

2005-2009B.S. (Mathematics), Sun Yat-sen University

Academic Positions:

2014- Assistant Professor, School of Mathematics and Statistics,

Jiangsu normal University, Xuzhou, P. R. China

Research Interests:

Latent Variable Models, Bayesian Inference, Quantile regression

Major Research Grants (Principal Investigator):

1.2016-2018 NSFC 11501261 Structural Equation Models with Non-normal and Missing Data

2.2016-2017 Project of Natural Science Research in Jiangsu Province15KJB110007 Latent Variable Models with Non-normal Data

3.2015-2016 Ph.D. Teacher's Research Support Project Foundation of Jiangsu Normal University (14XLR002)

Recent Publications:

1.Song, X. Y., Pan, D., Liu, P. F. and Cai, J. H. (2016). Bayesian analysis of transformation latent variable models with multivariate censored data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, to appear.

2.Liu, P. F., Chen, J., Lu, Z. H. and Song, X. Y. (2015). Transformation structural equation models with highly non-normal and incomplete data. Structural Equation Modeling - A Multidisciplinary Journal, 22, 401-415.

3.Chen, J., Liu, P. F. and Song, X. Y. (2013). Bayesian diagnostics of transformation structural equation models. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 68, 111-128.