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刘永民,1982年7月毕业于南京大学数学系. 教授, 硕士生导师, 教育硕士生导师, 美国《数学评论》评论员. MR Author ID:638507. ORCID号: 0000-0002-5058-2809





研究生: 实分析与复分析,函数空间里的算子理论,复合算子理论,全纯 Q 类等.



1 刘永民, 夹逼原理的应用,彭城职业大学学报, 15(2000), 90-932

2 刘永民,《中国留学生大辞典》(编写全部数学家辞条)南京大学出版社,1998年. 荣获第四届国家辞书奖二等奖(新闻 出版总署,2001年10月)

3 刘永民, 关于“ε-δ” 定义的一道习题,大学数学, 29(4)(2013), 113-115



1 2013年12月, 获江苏师范大学第六届教学优秀奖.

2 2016年3月, 教育硕士PI-DCC培养模式探索与实践, 获得江苏师范大学2015年度研究生教育成果奖 特等奖



1 周杰:获江苏师范大学2014年度优秀硕士学位论文

2 周杰:获江苏省高等学校2014年度优秀硕士学位论文

3 房敏, 获2013年江苏省研究生培养创新工程项目


科研论文 (如果对我们的工作感兴趣,信索必复!)


2017 年



85 Y. Liu, Y. Yu, Generalized Integration Operators from $Q_K(p,q)$ to the Little Zygmund-Type Spaces, In: P. Dang et al. (eds.), New Trends in Analysis and Interdisciplinary Applications, Springer International Publishing AG 2017, 239-245. Trends in Mathematics, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-48812-7  

84 Xiaoman Liu, Yongmin Liu, On the L_\infty convergence of a nonlinear difference scheme for Schrodinger equations, Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications In Press

83 Y. Liu, Y. Yu, The essential norm of the generalized integration operator, Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications In Press

82 房敏,  刘永民, 不同 Bloch型空间之间的的积型算子的紧性, 数学学报,60A(4) (2017),

81 Fang Zhang, Yongmin Liu, On a Stevic-Sharma operator  from Hardy spaces to Zygmund-type spaces on the unit disk,   Complex Anal. Oper. Theory. Published online: First online: 07 July 2016, DOI 10.1007/s11785-016-0578-8

80 Y. Liu, X. Liu and Y. Yu, On an extension of Stevic-Sharma operator from the mixed-norm space to weighted-type spaces, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations: An International Journal. 62(5)(2017), 670--694.

79 Y. Liu, Y. Yu, On an extension of Stevic-Sharma operator from the general space to weighted-type spaces on the unit ball, Complex Anal. Oper. Theory. 11(2)(2017), 261-288.


2016 年

78 刘晓曼, 刘永民, 基于分块K-SVD字典学习的彩色图像去噪, 南京理工大学学报, 40(5)(2016), 607-612

77 Y. Yu, Y. Liu, Boundedness of product-type operators on the logarithmic Bloch spaces, Chin. J. Contemp. Math., 37C(3) (2016), 229-244.

76 刘晓曼,刘永民,于燕燕, Riemann-Stieltjes 算子的本性范数,数学学报,59A(6) (2016), 847-858

75 J. Guo, Y. Liu, Generalized integration operators from mixed-norm to Zygmund-type spaces, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc.,  39(3)(2016), 1043-1057

74 于燕燕,刘永民,对数Bloch空间上积型算子的有界性,数学年刊,37A(3) (2016), 273-290.

73 F. Zhang, Y. Liu, On the compactness of the Stevic-Sharma operator on the logarithmic Bloch spaces, Math. Inequal. Appl., 19(2)(2016), 625-642.

2015 年

72 王玲玲,刘永民,房敏,从 Hardy空间到小 Zygmund型空间的Volterra 型算子, 江苏师范大学学报(自然科学版), 33(4)(2015), 21-24.

71 Y. Yu,Y. Liu. On Stevic type operator from H^\infty space to the logarithmic Bloch spaces, Complex Anal. Oper. Theory, 9(8)(2015), 1759–1780

70 Y. Liu, Y. Yu, On a Stevic-Sharma operator from Hardy spaces to the logarithmic Bloch spaces, J. Inequal. Appl., (2015) 2015:22, DOI 10.1186/s13660-015-0547-1

69 F.Zhang, Y. Liu, Volterra composition operators from F(p,q,s) to Logarithmic Bloch spaces, J. Comput. Anal. Appl., 19(3)(2015),444-454

68 Y. Liu, Y. Yu, Products of composition, multiplication and radial derivative operators from logarithmic Bloch spaces to weighted-type spaces on the unit ball, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 423(1)(2015), 76-93.

67 H. Qu, Y. Liu, S. Cheng, Generalized integration operators from Hardy spaces to Zygmund-type spaces, J.Comput.Anal. Appl., 18(6)(2015),1004-1016

66 刘永民,于燕燕,关于从混合模空间到小 Zygmund空间的Volterra 型复合算子,数学物理学报, 35A(1)(2015), 210-217

65 Y. Liu, Y. Yu and X. Liu, Riemann-Stieltjes operator from the general space to Zygmund-type spaces on the unit ball, Complex Anal. Oper. Theory, 9 (5)(2015), 985-997, DOI 10.1007/s11785-014-0384-0

2014 年

64 Y. Liu, Y. Yu, Weighted differentiation composition operators from Hardy spaces to Zygmund-type spaces, Chin. J. Contemp. Math., 35(3)(2014),215-226

63 刘永民,于燕燕, 从 Hardy 空间到 Zygmund-型空间的加权微分复合算子,数学年刊,35A(4)(2014), 399-412

62 刘永民, 郭健,从 Hardy 空间到 Zygmund 型空间的 Riemann-Stieltjes 算子,数学学报, 57(4)(2014),693--708

61 F. Zhang, Y. Liu, Products of multiplication, composition and differentiation operators from mixed-norm spaces to weighted-type spaces, Taiwanese J. Math., 18(6)(2014), 1927-1940.

60 H. Qu, Y. Liu, S. Cheng, Weighted differentiation composition operator from logarithmic Bloch spaces to Zygmund-type spaces, Abstr. Appl. Anal., Volume 2014, Article ID 832713, 14 pages

59 J. Zhou, Y. Liu, Products of radial derivative and multiplication operator between mixed norm spaces and Zygmund-type spaces on the unit ball, Math.Inequal. Appl., 17(1)(2014), 349-366

2013 年

58 Y. Liu,Y. Yu,Riemann-Stieltjes operator from mixed norm spaces to Zygmund-type spaces on the unit ball, Taiwanese J. Math., 17(5)(2013), 1751-1764

57 刘永民,于燕燕, 单位球上的混合模空间到 Zygmund 型空间的积分型算子,数学学报, ,数学学报, 56(3)(2013), 381-390

56 J. Zhou, Y. Liu, Products of radial derivative and multiplication operators from F(p, q, s) to weighted-type spaces on the unit ball, Taiwanese J. Math., 17(1)(2013), 161-178

55 Y. Liu, J. Zhou, On an operator M_uR from mixed norm spaces to Zygmund-type spaces on the unit ball, Complex Anal. Oper. Theory, 7(1)(2013), 593-606

2012 年

54 Y. Yu, Y. Liu, The essential norm of a generalized composition operator between Bloch type spaces and Q_K type spaces, Complex Anal. Oper. Theory, 6(6)(2012), 1231-1240

53 Y. Liu,Y. Yu,The multiplication operator from F(p,q,s) spaces to nth weighted-type spaces on the unit disk, Journal of Function Spaces and Applications, Volume 2012, Article ID 343194, 22 pages

52 Y. Liu,Y. Yu, The multiplication operator from mixed-norm to nth weighted-type spaces on the unit disk, Math.Inequal. Appl., 15(2)(2012),437-448

51 Y. Liu,Y. Yu, Composition followed by differentiation between H∞ and Zygmund spaces, Complex Anal. Oper. Theory, 6(1)(2012),121-137

50 于燕燕, 刘永民,从混合模空间到 Bloch-型空间微分算子与乘子的积, 数学物理学报, 32A(1)(2012), 68-79



49 刘永民,于燕燕,Products of composition operators and Volterra-type integral operators from logarithmic Bloch spaces into Bloch-type spaces, Tamsui Oxford Journal of Information and Mathematical Sciences, 27(3)(2011), 231-252

48 刘永民,刘浩,从混合模空间到 Zygmund 空间的 Volterra 型复合算子,数学学报,54(3)(2011), 381-396

47 刘永民,于燕燕, On compactness for iterated commutators, Acta Mathematica Scienta, 31B(2)(2011),401-500

46 于燕燕, 刘永民, Weighted differentiation composition operators from H∞ to Zygmund spaces, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct., 22(7)(2011), 507-520

2010 年

45 郭健, 刘永民, Composition operators from B_0 to Q_K and Q_{K;0} spaces, Chin. Quart. J. of Math., 25(1)(2010), 86-91

44 张芳, 刘永民, Generalized composition operators from Bloch type spaces to Q_K type spaces, Journal of Function Spaces and Applications, 8(1)(2010), 55-66

43 刘永民,于燕燕, Weighted differentiation composition operators from mixed-norm to Zygmund spaces, Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim., 31 (8)(2010), 936-95442 刘永民,于燕燕, On a Li-Stevic integral-type operator from Bloch-type spaces into logarithmic Bloch spaces, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct., 21(2)(2010), 93-103

2009 年以前

41 于燕燕, 刘永民, Composition operators from -Bloch spaces into Q_K type spaces, 数学研究与评论, 29 (6)(2009) ,999-1010

40 于燕燕, 刘永民, 从双曲 alpha-Bloch 空间到双曲Q_K 型空间上的复合算子, 数学物理学报, 29(3)(2009),1311-1320

39 于燕燕, 刘永民, Integral-type operators from weighted Bloch spaces into Bergman-type spaces, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct., 20(6)(2009),419—428

38 刘永民,胡璋剑, alpha-正规函数的一些积分准则, 数学物理学报, 28(3)(2008), 530-536

37 于燕燕, 刘永民, On a Li-Stevic integral-type operators between different weighted Bloch-type spaces, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, Volume 2008, Article ID 780845, 14 pages

36 刘永民,张芳, Weighted composition operators from A^p_\alpha to A^\infty(\phi),数学研究与评论, 28(3)(2008), 535-540

35 张芳,刘永民,王峰,从 B^α 到 Q_k 的复合算子, 数学研究, 40(4)(2007),374-381

34 刘永民,胡璋剑, Boundedness for iterated commutators on the mixed norm spaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 332 (2) (2007), 787-797

33 刘永民,于燕燕,Schatten class weighted composition operators on the Bergman space of the unit ball,数学研究与评论, 27(3)(2007), 533-538

32 于燕燕, 刘永民, On \alpha-Bloch Functions in the Unit Ball, Natural Science Research, 8(2006), 119-123,

31 刘永民,于燕燕,Composition operators from B^0 to E(p,q) and E_0(p,q) spaces, 数学研究与评论, 26(3)(2006), 471-479

30 刘永民, 加权 Bergman 空间上小 Hankel 算子的 Schatten 类,数学物理学报,24A(3)(2004), 375-380

29 刘永民,于燕燕, Composition operators from B to E(p,q) and E_0(p,q) , Functional space theory and its applications, Proceedings of International Conference & 13th Academic Symposium in China, Wuhan 2003(ISTP)

28 刘永民, Composition operators mapping into the E (p, q) spaces,Chin. Quart. J. of Math., 18(1)(2003), 29-34

27 刘永民,Boundedness of the Bergman type operators on mixed norm spaces,Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society,130(8)(2002), 2363-2367

26 刘永民,Compact composition operators mapping into the E_0(p,q) spaces,数学研究与评论, 22(4)(2002), 538-544

25 刘永民,A^2(dV_alpha) 空间上Schatten类复合算子,数学年刊, 22A(6)(2001),735-742

24 刘永民, Bergman 型空间上多重换位子的有界性,工程数学学报,18(2)(2001),17-21

23 刘永民, Small Hankel operators on weighted Bergman spaces of bounded symmetric domains, Acta Mathematica Scienta, 20B(1)(2000),27-34

22 刘永民, Compact Hankel operators on weighted Bergman spaces in the unit ball,南京大学学报数学半年刊,17(2)(2000),204-210

21 刘永民, 加权 Bergman 空间上 Schatten 类 Toeplitz 算子,数学年刊, 20A(1)(1999), 53-56

20 刘永民,加权 Bergman 空间上 Toeplitz 与 Hankel 算子紧性的一个新特征, 数学研究与评论(supp.), V.19 ,1999 年 4 月, 238-240

19 刘永民, On analytic Besov spaces,徐州师范大学学报(自然科学版)17(2)(1999),1-3

18 刘永民, Compactness of iterated commutators on weighted Bergman spaces,东北数学,15(4)(1999), 479-485

17 刘永民,于燕燕,Compact Hankel operators on the Bergman spaces of the polydisk in C^n,南京大学学报数学半年刊,15(1)(1998), 50-55

16 刘永民,Boundedness for iterated commutators on A^2(φ),数学杂志,18(4)(1998), 406-410

15 刘永民,Compact Toeplitz operators on A^{2,α}(B_n),数学研究,31(4)(1998), 400-403

14 刘永民,加权 Bergman 空间上 Toeplitz 和 Hankel 算子的紧性,数学杂志, 17(4)(1997), 477-481

13 于燕燕,刘永民,关于Toeplitz算子的有界性和紧性,徐州师范大学学报(自然科学版) 15(3)(1997), 9-12

12 刘永民,于燕燕,Criteria for functions to be Bloch,徐州师范大学学报(自然科学版), 15(4)(1997), 15-18

11 刘永民,Compact Hankel operators on the Bergman spaces of the unit ball in C^n, 徐州师院学报(自然科学版), 14(1)(1996), 12-16

10. 王文,刘永民,不可压缩非牛顿流体非定常流动的非齐次问题, 徐州师院学报(自然科学版), 14(3)(1996), 1-7

9 刘永民,Bergman 空间上的多重交换子的有界性, 徐州市第二届青年学术年会论文集,中国矿业大学出版社, 1996,11,6-88 袁磊,刘永民,黄正海,一个三阶边值问题解的存在唯一性定理, 徐州师院学报(自然科学版),13(3)(1995),13-18

7 曾有栋,刘永民,Banach空间变分不等式的扰动, 徐州师院学报(自然科学版),12(1)(1994),4-8

6 刘永民,一类非周期指数型函数的拟素性, 徐州师院学报(自然科学版),11(1)(1993),24-25

5 张兴永,刘永民,关于确定一类双曲型方程低次项系数的反问题,徐州师院学报(自然科学版) ,10(3)(1992),11-18

4 刘永民,黄永平,一些Banach空间的非正方形系数, 空军勤务学院学报,13(1-2)(1992), 26-29

3 刘永民,Two sufficient conditions for the left primeness of entire functions, 徐州师院学报(自然科学版),9(1991),30-33

2 刘永民,关于 Ozawa 定理的一个注记,黄淮学刊,6(2)(1990),75-76

1 刘永民,整函数拟素性中一个定理的注记,徐州师院学报(自然科学版),8(2)(1988),25-28Weighted differentiation composition operators from Hardy spaces to Zygmund-type spaces, Chinese Journal of Contemporary Mathematics. 35(3)(2014),215-226