感兴趣的研究领域: 整数阶、分数阶偏微分方程数值解(有限差分方法)
通信地址:江苏省徐州市铜山县上海路101号 邮编:221116
电子邮箱:xiulinghu@126.com; xlhu@jsnu.edu.cn
2017.8.01-8.28 澳门大学,澳门,访问学者
2013.09-2014.09 Queensland University of Technology,Australia,访问学者
2009.04-2012.12 南京航空航天大学理学院理学,博士,计算数学专业
2005.07- 江苏师范大学数学与统计学院任教
2002.09-2005.06 南京信息工程大学,硕士,气象学专业
1998.07-2002.08 山东省德州市临邑五中任教
1994.09-1998.06 原烟台师范学院数学系,本科,数学教育专业
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目 《时间-空间分布阶动力学方程的高效数值模拟及其应用研究》 2016-2018 主持 在研
[2] 江苏省高校自然科学研究面上项目 《分数阶偏微分方程的差分模拟及其在医学成像中的应用》 2014-2016 支持 已结题
[3] 江苏师范大学博士学位教师科研支持项目 《时间分数阶偏微分方程的高精度差分方法及其快速研究》2013-2015 主持 已结题
[4] 江苏师范大学自然科学基金一般项目 《分数阶扩散方程的紧有限差分方法研究》 2011-2013 主持 已结题
[5] 参与国家自然科学基金青年项目、面上项目、江苏省自然科学基金面上项目及江苏省高校自然科学基金等多项
[1] Xiuling Hu, Luming Zhang, A compact finite difference scheme for the fourth-order fractional diffusion-wave system , Computer Physics Communications, 182(2011)1645-1650.
[2] Xiuling Hu, Luming Zhang, On finite difference methods for fourth-order fractional diffusion–wave and subdiffusion systems , Applied Mathematics and Computation , 218 (2012) 5019-5034.
[3] Xiuling Hu, Luming Zhang, Implicit compact difference schemes for the fractional cable equation , Applied Mathematical Modelling, 36(2012)4027-4043.
[4] Qihang Sun, Luming zhang, Shanshan Wang, Xiuling Hu, A Conservative Compact Difference Scheme for the Coupled Klein–Gordon–Schrödinger Equation, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 2013, 29(5)1657-1674,2013.
[5] Xiuling Hu, Luming Zhang, New numerical analysis for fourth-order fractional diffusion-wave system, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, 2013, Accepted.
[6] Xiuling Hu, Luming Zhang, Conservative compact difference schemes for the coupled nonlinear Schr\{o}dinger system, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 30(3)2014 749-772.
[7] Xiuling Hu, Luming Zhang, A new implicit compact difference scheme for the fourth-order fractional diffusion-wave system,International Journal of Computer Mathematics 2014,91(10) 2215-2231.
[8] XiulingHu, F.Liu, V.Anh, I. Turner, A numerical investigationof the time distributed-order diffusion model , ANZIAM J, 2014, 55(EMAC2013), C437-C450.
[9] Xiuling Hu, Hong-Lin Liao,Liu, I. Turner, A centerBox method for radially symmetric solution of fractional subdiffusion equation,Applied Mathematics and Computation, 257 (2015) 467-486.
[10] Xiuling Hu, Shanzhen Chen,Qianshun Chang, Fourth-Order Compact Difference Schemes for 1D NonlinearKuramoto–Tsuzuki Equation, Numerical Methods for Partial DifferentialEquations, 31 (2015) 2080-2109.
[11] Xiuling Hu, F.Liu, I. Turner, V. Anh, Numerical method of a new time distributed-order and two-sided space-fractional advection-dispersion equation, Numerical Algorithms, 72 (2016) 393-407.
[12] Xiuling Hu, Luming Zhang, An analysis of a second order differencescheme for the fractional subdiffusion system, Applied MathematicalModelling,2016, 40(2):1634-1649.
[13] 胡秀玲,张鲁明,空间四阶-时间分数阶扩散波方程的一个新的数值分析方法,应用数学学报,40 (2017),543-56.