





 2012年07月--2016年11月  华北理工大学 理学院

 2019年01月--2020年12月  美国伊利诺伊州立大学 访问学者 

 2016年12月-- 至今     江苏师范大学 数学与统计学院


Ding, Weiyong, Li, J., Zhang, Y. (2023). Criticality-based allocation of active redundancies for asymmetric components in coherent systems. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 183, 109467. 

Wu, J., Ding, Weiyong, Zhang, Y., Zhao, P. (2022). On reliability improvement for coherent systems with a relevation. Naval Research Logistics, 69(4): 654-666.

Ding, Weiyong, Xu, M., Huang,Y., Zhao, P., Song, F. (2021). Cyber attacks on PMU placement in a smart grid: Characterization and optimization. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 212, 107586.

Ding, Weiyong, Wang, C. Zhang, Y. (2021). Ordering properties of generalized aggregation with applications. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 37(2), 282-302.

Da,G., Ding Weiyong, Li, X. (2020). On comparisons of population and subpopulations in frailty models. Comminications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 49:3698-3711.

Ding, Weiyong,Fang, R., Zhao, P. (2020). An approach to compare coherent systems with ordered components by using survivalsignatures. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 70(2): 495-506. 

Ding, Weiyong, Xu, M., Huang, Y., Zhao, P. (2020). Cyber risks of PMU networks with observation errors: Assessment and mitigation. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 198: 106873.

Ding, Weiyong,Fang, R., Zhao, P. (2019). Reliability analysis of k-out-of-n systems based on grouping of components. Advances in Applied Probability, 51(2), 339-357.

Zhang, Y., Ding, Weiyong, Zhao, P. (2018). On total capacity of k out of n systems with random weights. Naval Research Logistics, 65(4): 347-359. 

Fang, R., Ding, Weiyong* (2018). On relative log-concavity and stochastic comparisons. Statistics & Probability Letters, 137, 91-98.

Ding, Weiyong,Zhang, Y. (2018). Relative ageing of series qand parallel systems:Effects of dependence and heterogeneity among components. Operations Research Letters, 46(2),219-224.

Ding, Weiyong,Fang, R., Zhao, P. (2017). Relative aging of coherent systems. Naval Research Logistics, 64(4), 345-354. 

Ding, Weiyong, Zhang, Y., Zhao, P.(2017). Ordering properties of spacings from heterogeneous geometric samples. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 32(2):306-322.

Ding, Weiyong,Zhou, S., Zhao, P. (2017). On optimal allocation of active redundancies to multistate r out of n systems. Operations Research Letters, 45(5):508-512.

Ding, Weiyong, Yang, J., Ling, X. (2017). On Skewness ofextreme order statistics from scale samples. Communication in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 46(5): 2315-2331.

Da, G., Ding, Weiyong (2016). Component level versus system level k-out-of-n assembly systems. IEEE Transaction on Reliability, 65(1): 425-433.

Ding, Weiyong, Da, G., Li, X.(2014). Comparisons of series and parallel systems with heterogeneous components. Probabilityin the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 28(1), 39-53.

Ding, Weiyong, Da, G., Zhao, P. (2013). On sample ranges of two sets ofheterogeneous random variables. Journalof Multivariate analysis, 116, 63-73.

Ding, Weiyong, Zhang, Y., Zhao, P. (2013). Comparisons of k-out-of-n systemswith heterogeneous components. Statisticaland Probability Letters, 83(2), 493-502.

Li, X., Ding, Weiyong (2013). On allocation of active redundancies to systems: A Brief Review. In: Lecture Notes in Statistics (EDs: H. Li and X. Li), 175-188, Springer.

Ding, Weiyong, Li, X.(2012). The optimal allocation of active redundancies tok-out-of-n systems with respect to hazard rate. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 142(7), 1878-1887.

Ding, Weiyong, Li, X., N.Balachrishnan (2011). Monotonicity properties of residual lifetimes of parallel systems and inactivity time of series systems with heterogeneous components. Probability in the Engineering andInformational Sciences, 26, 1–15.

Da, G., Ding, Weiyong, Li, X. (2010). On hazard rate ordering of parallelsystems with two independent components. Journalof Statistical Planning and Inference, 140(7),2148–2154.

Li, X., Ding, Weiyong (2010). Optimal allocation of active redundancies to k out ofn system with heterogeneous components. Journal of Applied Probability, 47(1), 254-263.






江苏高校自然科学基金面上项目(No.19KJB110008), 2019年9月-2021年12月,主持, 结题





