报 告 人:郭余宝 教授
报告题目:Quasi-vertex/arc-pancyclicities in multipartite tournaments
A vertex (an arc, respectively) of a digraph D is called pancyclic, if it lies on a cycle of length t for all t 2 f3; : : : ; jV (D)jg. Moon (On subtournaments of a tournament. Canad. Math. Bull. 9, 1966) proved that every strong tournament is vertex-pancyclic and Alspach (On Cycles of each length in regular tournaments. Canad. Math. Bull. 10, 1967) con_rmed that every regular tournament is arcpancyclic.Since multipartite tournaments don't have the same vertex- and arc-pancyclicities as tournamnets, we have tried to extend the classical cycle concept to multipartite tourna-ments in various ways.
In this talk, we will give an overview of quasi x-pancyclicities, x 2 fp, l, o, nl, psg, and pandashcyclicity in multipartite tournaments, and leave a few open problems on this topic.