研究方向:随机分析及其应用/随机微分方程/Levy 过程
电话:15996926150,Email: longjiexie@jsnu.edu.cn
1. 2011/9-2016/6, 武汉大学, 概率论与数理统计, 硕博连读,
2. 2007/9-2011/6,中南大学, 数学与应用数学, 学士
期间2009/9-2010/6,山东大学, 数学与统计学院, 交流生
1. 2019/12-至今, 江苏师范大学, 数学与统计学院, 教授
2. 2016/7-2019/11, 江苏师范大学, 数学与统计学院, 讲师
1. 2018/12-2020/2,Bielefeld University,德国“洪堡学者”
2. 2017/7-2018/7, University of Illinois at Urbana Champion(UIUC),访问学者
3. 2016/3-2016/6, 澳门大学,科技学院,访问学者
1. 第十四届“钟家庆数学奖” (2019年11月)
2. 第七届江苏省“数学成就奖”(2020年11月)
3. 国家“重大人才计划” 青年学者项目 (2021年4月)
1. 江苏省自然科学基金 青年基金(BK20170226,2017.07--2020.06)
2. 国家自然科学基金 青年基金(11701233,2018.01--2020.12)
3. 国家自然科学基金 面上项目(12071186,2021.01--2024.12)
4. 国家自然科学基金 面上项目(12471140,2025.01--2028.12)
1. L. Xie and X. Zhang: Heat kernel estimates for critical fractional diffusion operators. Studia Math.,224 (2014), 221--264.
2. L. Wang, L. Xie and X. Zhang: Derivative formula for SDEs driven by multiplicative stable-like processes. Stoch. Proc. Appl.,125 (2015), 867--885.
3. L. Xie and X. Zhang: Sobolev differentiable flows of SDEs with local Sobolev and super-linear growth coefficients. Ann. Probab.,44 (2016), 3661--3687.
4. L. Xie: Singular SDEs with critical non-local and non-symmetric Levy type generator. Stoch. Proc. Appl.,127 (2017), 3792--3824.
5. Z.-Q. Chen, E. Hu, L. Xie and X. Zhang: Heat kernels for non-symmetric diffusion operators with jumps. J. Diff. Equations, 263 (2017), 6576--6634.
6. L. Xie: Exponential ergodicity for stochastic Langevin equation with partial dissipative drift. Appl. Math. Lett.,79 (2018), 34--42.
7. Y. Li, L. Xie and Y. Xie: Well-posedness of SDEs with drifts in mixed-norm spaces and driven by mixed-noises. J. Diff. Equations, 266 (2019), 2638--2665.
8. P. Chen, R. Song, L. Xie and Y. Xie: Heat kernel estimates for Dirichlet fractional Laplacian with gradient perturbation. J. Korean Math. Soc., 56 (2019), 91--111.
9. G. Lv, J. Wei and L. Xie: Blowup solutions of Grushin’s operator. Appl. Math. Lett.,97 (2019), 20--26.
10. X. Sun, L. Xie and Y. Xie: Pathwise uniqueness for a class of SPDEs driven by cylindrical α-stable processes. Potential Anal., 53 (2020), 659--675.
11. L. Xie and X. Zhang: Ergodicity of stochastic differential equations with jumps and singular coefficients. Ann. Inst. Henri Poincare-Pr., 2020, Vol. 56, No. 1, 175--229.
12. R. Song, L. Xie and Y. Xie: Sharp heat kernel estimates for spectral fractional Laplacian perturbed by gradient. Sci. China Math.,63 (2020), 2343--2362.
13. R. Song and L. Xie: Well-posedness and long time behavior of singular Langevin stochastic differential equations. Stoch. Proc. Appl.,130 (2020) 1879--1896.
14. W. Liu, R. Song and L. Xie: Gradient estimates for the fundamental solution of Lévy type operator. Adv. Nonlinear Anal., 2020; 9: 1453--1462.
15. X. Sun, L. Xie and Y. Xie: Derivative formula for the Feynman–Kac semigroup of SDEs driven by rotationally invariant α-stable process. Stat. Prob. Lett., 158 (2020) 108664.
16. P. Xia, L. Xie, X. Zhang and G. Zhao: Lq(Lp)-theory of stochastic differential equations. Stoch. Proc. Appl., 130 (2020) 5188--5211.
17. M. Roeckner, L. Xie and X. Zhang: Superposition principle for non-local Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov operators. Prob. Theory Rel. Fields, 178 (2020), 699--733.
18. X. Sun, L. Xie and Y. Xie: Averaging principle for slow-fast stochastic partial differential equations with Hölder continuous coefficients. J. Diff. Equations, 270 (2021) 476--504.
19. M. Roeckner and L. Xie: Diffusion approximation for fully coupled stochastic differential equations. Ann. Probab., 49 (2021), 1205--1236.
20. C. Ling and L. Xie: Strong solutions of stochastic differential equations with coefficients in mixed-norm spaces. Potential Anal., DOI: 10.1007/s11118-021-09913-4.
21. M. Roeckner and L. Xie: Averaging principle and normal deviations for multiscale stochastic systems. Commun. Math. Phys., 383 (2021), 1889--1937.
22. L. Xie and L. Yang: Diffusion approximation for multi-scale stochastic reaction-diffusion equations. J. Diff. Equations, 300 (2021) 155--184.
23. X. Sun, L. Xie and Y. Xie: Strong and weak convergence rates for slow-fast stochastic differential equations driven by $\alpha$-stable process. Bernoulli, 28 (2022), 343--369.
24. M. Roeckner, L. Xie and L. Yang: Averaging principle and normal deviations for multi-scale stochastic hyperbolic-parabolic equations. Stoch. PDE: Anal. Comp., (2022), doi.org/10.1007/s40072-022-00248-8.
25. L. Xie and L. Yang: The Smoluchowski-Kramers limits of stochastic differential equations with irregular coefficients. Stoch. Proc. Appl., 150 (2022), 91--115.
26. L. Xie: Fast-slow stochastic dynamical system with singular coefficients. Sci. China Math., 66 (2023), 819--838.
27. Y. Li and L. Xie: Functional law of large numbers and central limit theorem for slow-fast McKean-Vlasov equations. Dis. Contin. Dynamical Sys. - Series S, 16 (2023), 846--877.
28. R. Song and L. Xie: Weak and strong well-posedness of critical and supercritical SDEs with singular coefficients. J. Diff. Equations, 362 (2023), 266--313.
29. M. Roeckner, L. Xie and L. Yang: Asymptotic behavior of multiscale stochastic partial differential equations with Holder coefficients. J. Funct. Anal., 285 (2023), 110103.
30. Y. Li, F. Wu and L. Xie: Poisson Equation on Wasserstein Space and Diffusion Approximations for Multi-Scale McKean-Vlasov Equation. SIAM J. Math. Anal., 56 (2024), 1495--1524.