9月21日 滁州学院翟明清教授学术报告

发布时间:2023-09-14   浏览次数:486

报 告 人:翟明清 教授 

报告题目:Extremal Eigenvalues and Graph Minors





      翟明清,滁州学院教授,2010年博士毕业于华东师范大学运筹学与控制论专业,2012年获评教授,2022年获聘安徽师范大学博士生导师。近年来在J. Combin. Theory B, J. Graph Theory, European J. Combin., Electron. J. Combin.等期刊发表学术论文40余篇,主持国家自然科学基金2项。研究方向:图谱理论,谱极值图论。 


      Minors play an important role in graph theory, and extremal problems on forbidding minors have attracted appreciable amount of interest in the past decades. In 1990, Cvetković and Rowlinson conjectured that K1∇Pn−1 attains the maximum spectral radius over all n-vertex outer-planar graphs. Subsequently, Boots and Royle, and independently Cao and Vince, conjectured K2∇Pn−2 attains the maximum spectral radius over all n-vertex planar graphs. In 2019, Tait proposed a conjecture on Ks,t-minor free graphs. In this talk, we introduce stability method and absorbing method with their applications to deal with general minors. This is a joint work with Longfei Fang and Huiqiu Lin.