9月18日 青海师范大学邓波教授学术报告

发布时间:2023-09-14   浏览次数:304

报 告 人:邓波 教授

报告题目:Construction for the sequences of Q-Borderenergetic Graphs





       邓波,教授,博士生导师,南开大学博士后(2015-2017),现就职于青海师范大学数学与统计学院,目前担任院长助理,兼任青海省数学学会秘书长,从事专业为应用数学,主要研究领域为代数图论、化学图论。在《Linear Algebra and its Applications》、《MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry》和《Linear and Multilinear Algebra》等学术刊物发表论文近80余篇,先后主持和参与国家级、省级科研项目10余项。 


       This research intends to construct a signless Laplacian spectrum of the complement of any k-regular graph G with order n. Trough application of the join of two arbitrary graphs, a new class of Q-borderenergetic graphs is determined with proof. As indicated in the research, with a regular Q-borderenergetic graph, sequences of regular Q-borderenergetic graphs can be constructed. Te procedures for such a construction are determined and demonstrated. Significantly, all the possible regular Q-borderenergetic graphs of order 7<n≤10 are determined.