12月27日 University of Nebraska at Kearney Jia Huang博士学术报告

发布时间:2017-12-26   浏览次数:153

报 告 人:Jia Huang 博士(University of Nebraska at Kearney)

报告题目:Domination Ratio of Infinite Circulant Digraphs




  Dr. Jia Huang

  Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Nebraska at Kearney, 2014-present

  Postdoctoral Associate, School of Mathematics, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2013-2014

  Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2013

  Research interests include Discrete Mathematics and its connections with other fields


  An infinite circulant digraph is the Cayley graph of the additive group Z of all integers with respect to some finite subset S of Z. The minimum density of a dominating set in this graph is called its domination ratio. We establish some basic results on the domination ratio of this graph and precisely determine it when S consists of two integers s and t with t dividing s. This is joint work with James Carraher.