数学与统计学院学术活动信息:McMaster University Prof. N.Balakrishnan学术报告

发布时间:2016-06-20   浏览次数:144

报 告 人:Prof. N.Balakrishnan (McMaster University)

报告题目:江苏高校优势学科概率统计前沿系列讲座之六十六 Signatures



报告摘要:In this talk, I will first introduce the notion of signatures of coherent systems and their use in reliability theory. I will then describe various extensions and generalizations of this concept of signatures and also illustrate their applications in the evaluation of burn-in of systems. Finally, if time permits, I will consider two joint systems sharing some components and introduce the notion of joint signatures and highlight their applications.

报告人简介:N.Balakrishnan, 世界著名统计学家,加拿大麦克马斯特大学数学与统计系“杰出大学教授”(Distinguished University Professor),美国统计协会(ASA)和国际数理统计学会(IMS)的会士(Fellow)。N.Balakrishnan 教授现担任国际知名统计学期刊Communications in Statistics 杂志的主编,Journal of Probability and Statistical Science,Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability,Metrika 和Test 等杂志的副主编,曾担任Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 杂志的执行总编辑,IEEE Transactions on Reliability,Naval Research Logistics,Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 和Statistical Methodology 等杂志的副主编。因其在统计领域所作出的杰出贡献,于2008 年获得由美国统计协会颁发的第25届Don Owen奖。主要研究兴趣包括分布理论、有序数据分析、检验方法、可靠性、生存分析以及统计质量控制。至今为止,在包括Ann. Stat.,JRSSB,EJOR,Statistica Sinica,Biometrics,Test等统计学和运筹学著名杂志上发表论文300 余篇,出版书籍40 余本。