11月15日 中国科学技术大学周韬博士学术报告

发布时间:2018-11-13   浏览次数:323

报 告 人:周韬 博士(中国科学技术大学)

报告题目:Spreading speeds of the nonlocal KPP equations in almost periodic media






  In this talk, I will introduce the generalized principal eigenvalues and the homogenization methods of nonlocal dispersal equations, which is motivated by the work of Berestycki and Nadin. Base on these techniques, we derive the exact spreading speeds, which can be characterized by generalized principal eigenvalues, of nonloncal KPP equations in almost periodic medias. Moreover, when the diffusion issymmetrical, we show that the spreading speeds in the positive and negative directions are identical even if the reaction term is not invariant with respect to the reflection.