10月13日 江苏高校优势学科概率统计前沿系列讲座之一百一十二

发布时间:2018-10-09   浏览次数:278

报 告 人:王汉生 教授

报告题目:A Popularity Scaled Latent Space Model for Large-Scale Directed Social Network




  王汉生教授,北京大学光华管理学院商务统计与经济计量系,嘉茂荣聘讲席教授,博导,系主任。北京大学商务智能研究中心、主任。微信公众号“狗熊会”创始人。美国统计学会Fellow(2014),国家杰出青年基金获得者(2016)。1998年北京大学数学学院概率统计系本科毕业,2001年美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校统计系博士毕业。2003年加入光华至今。国内外各种专业杂志上发表文章七十余篇,并(合)著有中英文专著各一本。国际统计协会、英国皇家统计协会、美国数理统计协会(、泛华国际统计协会的会员。美国统计协会2014年Fellow。先后历任以下国际学术刊物副主编(Associate Editor):The Annals of Statistics (2008—2009), Computational Statistics & Data Analysis (2008—2012),Statistics and its Interface (2010—现在), Journal of the American Statistical Association (2011—现在),以及Statistica Sinica (2011—现在)。Journal of Business and Economics Statistics (2012—现在), Science China: Mathematics (2013—现在)。



  Large-scale directed social network data often involve degree heterogeneity, reciprocity, and transitivity properties. A sensible network generating model should take these features into consideration. To this end, we propose a popularity scaled latent space model for the large-scale directed network structure formulation. It assumes for each node a position in a hypothetically assumed latent space. Then, the nodes close (far away) to each other should have larger (less) probability to be connected. As a consequence, the reciprocity and transitivity properties can be analytically derived. In addition to that, we assume for each node a popularity parameter. Those nodes with larger (smaller) popularity are more (less) likely to be followed by other nodes. By assuming different distributions for popularity parameters, different types of degree heterogeneity can be modeled. Furthermore, based on the proposed model, a comprehensive probabilistic index is constructed for link prediction. Its finite sample performance is demonstrated by extensive simulation studies and a Sina Weibo (a Twitter-type social network in China) dataset. The performances are competitive.