03月16日 东华大学陶有山教授学术报告

发布时间:2018-03-12   浏览次数:321

报 告 人:陶有山(东华大学)

报告题目:Virus propagation via chemotaxis




  陶有山, 教授, 博士生导师,东华大学理学院副院长。于1986年获得南京大学学士学位,于1992年获得复旦大学理学硕士学位,于1995年毕业于苏州大学并获博士学位。曾多次在美国俄亥俄州立大学、日本东京大学进行学术访问。陶教授研究方向为偏微分方程、生物数学,在趋向性数学模型的研究、前列腺癌间隙性雄激素剥夺治疗的数学模型研究、肿瘤生长及其干预治疗的数学模型研究。近几年主要研究来自于生物过程的趋化模型,在JEMS、SIMA、 Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire、Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci.、J. Nonlinear Sci.、Inverse Problems、JMB、Nonlinearity、JDE等国际知名数学发表期刊论文70余篇,MR引用余约1200次。主持国家基金及省部级项目10余项。现担任2份国际SCI期刊Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 和EMS Surveys in Mathematical Sciences 的编委。


  Since target cells are directed by the high concentration of cytokines from inflammations at spots of infection and hot spots of virus infection are experimentally observed, some chemotaxis-virus models are proposed to explain the above-mentioned spatial heterogeneity structure of the virus dynamics. A nonlinear reaction term in the models gives rise to essential obstacles in their qualitative analysis. We address some recent results concerning the global well-posedness of two typical models. This talk is mainly based a joint work with Nicola Bellomo (Torino) and another one with Michael Winkler (Paderborn).