报告人: 张大军 教授
上海大学数学系 博士生导师
1. D-j Zhang and Deng-yuan Chen, Hamiltonian structure of discrete soliton systems, J. Phys. A: Gen. Math, 35(33), (2002) 7225-41.
2. D-j Zhang, Deng-yuan Chen, The conservation laws of some discrete soliton systems, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 14(4), (2002) 573-9.
3. D-j Zhang, The N-soliton solutions for the modified KdV equation with self-consistent sources, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 71(11), (2002) 2649-56.
4. D-j Zhang, Tong-ke Ning, Jin-bo Bi, Deng-yuan Chen, New symmetries for the Ablowitz-Ladik hierarchies, Phys. Lett. A, 359(5), (2006), 458-66.
5. D-j Zhang, Jin-bo Bi, Hong-hai Hao, Modified KdV equation with self-consistent sources in non-uniform media and soliton dynamics, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 39(47), (2006) 14627-48.
6. D-j Zhang, Notes on solutions in Wronskian form to soliton equations: KdV-type, arXiv:nlin.SI/0603008.
7. D-j Zhang, Jie Ji, Song-lin Zhao, Soliton scattering with amplitude changes of a negative order AKNS equation, Physica D, 238(23-24) (2009) 2361-7.
8. J. Hietarinta, D-j Zhang, Soliton solutions for ABS lattice equations: II: Casoratians and bilinearization, J. Phys. A: Math. Thero., 42(40), (2009) No.404006 (30pp).
9. J. Hietarinta, D-j Zhang, Multisoliton solutions to the lattice Boussinesq equation, J. Math. Phys., 51(3), (2010) No.033505(12pp).