9月7日 南开大学周峰博士学术报告

发布时间:2017-09-05   浏览次数:551

报 告 人:周峰 博士(南开大学)

报告题目:Pointwise Estimates of a Sub-quadratic Elliptic System with VMO Coefficients in Reifenberg Domains






    In this talk, we consider an inhomogeneous Dirichlet problem of a sub-quadratic elliptic system with coefficients of vanishing mean oscillation and right-hand side in divergence form in Reifenberg flat domains. We first obtain decay estimates for gradients of local weak solutions to the Dirichlet problem. We establish pointwise estimates by using the restricted sharp maximal operator. As a consequence, global regularity estimates for gradients of solutions in Reifenberg flat domains are obtained in W^{1,q} and BMO spaces.