
Chao Deng, PhD (2011) of Pure Math Dept of Sun Yat-sen University, Associated Professor of Math Dept of Jiangsu Normal University.

Contact Information

Address: 101 Shanghai Road, Jingyuan Bldg #1408, Xuzhou, Jiangsu 221116, China

Tel:         (+86)15152817575

Email:   and 

Research Interests

Harmonic analysis and applications to nonlinear PDEs and Fluid dynamics and general diffusion system


Ph.D., Pure Mathematics, June 2011, Sun Yat-sen University

Thesis: Well-posedness of the Cauchy Problem for Several Nonlinear Evolution Equations

Supervisor : Professor Shangbin Cui

M.S., Applied Mathematics, June 2008, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Thesis: Time-Space Estimates of Higher Order Schodinger Equation

Supervisor: Professor Quan Zheng

B.S., Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, June 2006, Central China Normal University


Jul 2011– Mar 2012 Instructor Math Dept, Jiangsu Normal University

Mar 2012–Jan 2013 Visiting Scholar Appl Math Dept, University of Colorado at Boulder

Jan 2013– Feb 2014 Visiting Scholar Math Dept, Pennsylvania State University

Feb 2014– Jul 2016 Associated Professor Math Dept, Jiangsu Normal University

Jul 2016–now Visiting Scholar Appl Math Dept, University of Colorado at Boulder