11月14日 江苏高校优势学科概率统计前沿系列讲座之一百二十七

发布时间:2019-11-13   浏览次数:303

报 告 人: 田立新 教授 (南京师范大学)

报告题目:The rebalancing of bike-sharing system under spatial-temporal distribution learning big data method




南京师范大学二级教授、博士生导师,南京师范大学副校长、党委常委。新世纪国家百千万人才工程人选,江苏省333工程第一层次培养对象,享受国务院特殊津贴专家。任中国数学会理事,江苏省工业与应用数学学会监事,江苏省系统科学学会副理事长,国际能源经济学会中国委员会副理事长,中国能源学会能源系统工程专业委员会副理事长,中国双法学会复杂系统专业委员会副理事长, Inter. J. Nonli. Sci.杂志常务副主编。主要从事非线性色散波方程解的理论分析及应用、动态大系统建模及控制、能源经济系统工程等领域研究。先后主持国家自然科学基金和国家社科基金14项,其中重大项目2项,重点和重大研究计划项目5项。获得教育部高校优秀科研成果奖、江苏省科技进步奖及江苏哲学社科奖一等奖各一项,二等奖、三等奖共9项。出版专著6部,在国内外期刊发表学术论文240多篇,其中被SSCI、SCI检索论文180多篇。


With the growing importance of bike-sharing systems, we design a new framework to solve rebalancing problem. It contains two aspects: dynamic rebalancing within each station and static rebalancing among stations. Firstly, we give a new flow-type task window (F-window) by defining the consistency index of travelers. It is more suitable as a task window for rebalancing than time-type task window (T-window) based on three aspects analysis. Through three assumptions, the temporal-distribution learning model including task window and station storage configuration, are built to realize new dynamic rebalancing. The spatial-distribution learning method is introduced to divide management areas for static rebalancing. The empirical results show that F-window can better match the strong time-sensitive of demand fluctuation.